U.S. Customs Broker License Exam Virtual Boot Camp
The pass rate on the U.S. Customs Broker License Exam has varied from 1.5% to 34% in the past. The main reasons for the low as well as fluctuating pass rates are lack of adequate test preparation by examinees and the non-standardized nature of the exam which makes some tests a lot more difficult than others. To pass this challenging exam, it is not sufficient to merely read the regulations or watch video lessons. It is absolutely necessary to read and understand relevant highly tested topics and then practice taking old tests. This will help students understand the question patterns and also gain expertise in searching and retrieving relevant information from reference material which promotes speed and accuracy, both of which are critical to passing the Customs Broker License Exam.
To give students practice with real exams under timed conditions to replicate exam conditions, we have included 21 old full length online timed tests on our site that students can take for test practice. As students take these exams, our software collects their test score data which is analyzed by our algorithms to produce reports that show how well an individual is doing on each tested topic. This provides individual customized feedback to help student identify and focus on specific topics and areas of weaknesses. They can also check the correct answers immediately after each test to learn and improve. Learning by doing is one of the best methods to gain mastery over each tested topic, improve test performance, and give you an edge over other examinees.
Not everyone is able to do all this on their own. Therefore, we also offer 3 day Boot camps for 24 hours of virtual instruction and practice in taking tests. These Boot camps run over 3 consecutive days. In the morning session of each day, students will take an actual old online exam which lasts four and half hours. In the afternoon session, lasting three and half hours, we will have a Zoom or Google Meet class where the instructor will lead a discussion and explain answers to questions that the students got incorrect. This will be repeated over 3 consecutive days giving ample test practice. The price for attending this virtual Boot camp is $1,250. We would recommend taking the Boot camp only after the student has read the lessons, done the quizzes and practiced taking a few tests on their own. That is when you will be ready to gain the maximum benefit out of the Customs Broker License Exam Virtual Boot Camp.
Schedule your Virtual Boot Camp below:
(Note: Virtual Boot Camps will be scheduled when a minimum of 5 registrations are received. If there are not enough registrations in a particular month, the boot camp may be moved to the next listed month.)
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