Home Discussion Classification Custom Broker exam April 2022 Q46

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  • changhun.son@gmail.com
    Post count: 27

    846. Category: Classification
    What is the CLASSIFICATION of a thick salsa in a seven-ounce jar containing: tomato puree, jalapeno peppers, vinegar, ancho peppers, onions, cascabel peppers, garlic, salt, cottonseed oil, bay leaves, and spices?

    A. 2002.90.8050
    B. 2005.91.9700
    C. 2103.20.4020
    D. 2103.90.9051
    E. 2103.90.9091

    Incorrect. Correct choice is: C Explanation: HTSUS 2103.20.4020

    Post count: 85

    2002 Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid:
    Answer choice A 2002.90.8050 can be eliminated as this item contains tomato puree and other items with vinegar.

    2005 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 2006:
    Since this item contains vinegar, answer choice B 2005.91.9700 can also be eliminated.

    The remaining three classifications are all in chapter heading 2103 and so they need to be compared at the sub-heading level.

    2103 Sauces and preparations therefore; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard:
    2103.20 Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces:
    2103.20.20 00 Tomato ketchup
    2103.20.40 Other
    20 In containers holding less than 1.4 kg
    2103.90 Other:

    This item is a salsa containing tomato puree with other condiments and spices in vinegar.
    2103.20 includes Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces:
    However, this is not tomato ketchup and so it will come under other sauces which is 2103.20.40.
    Since it is contained in a 7-ounce jar, which is a container that holds less than 1.4 kg, the correct classification would be 2103.20.4020.

    Answer choice C is correct.

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