46. Question
Category: Classification
What is the CLASSIFICATION and DUTY RATE of D-Aspartic acid (CAS #1783-96-6)? D-
Aspartic acid is an amino acid used as a pharmaceutical intermediate. (Note: Prefixes such as D, I,
L, S, 0, M, P, etc., refer to various isomeric differences in chemical products.)
A. 2922.49.4915, HTSUS, at a duty rate of 4.2%
B. 2922.49.4915K, HTSUS, at a duty rate of Free
C. 2922.49.4950, HTSUS, at a duty rate of 4.2%
D. 2922.49.4950K, HTSUS, at a duty rate of Free
E. 2922.49.8000, HTS US, at a duty rate of 3. 7%
Incorrect. Correct choice is: C
Explanation: HTSUS 2922.49.4950, GRI1, General Note 13, Tables 1, 2, &3 of the Pharmaceutical Appendix