Home Discussion Classification Duty rate for NAFTA-originating fresh cucumbers from Mexico

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  • Douglas Meadows
    Post count: 25

    Why would the duty rate not be Free as this is the tariff has SPI of MX on HTS 0707.00.4000?

    20. Question 1 point
    What is the duty rate for NAFTA-originating fresh cucumbers from Mexico released under a special permit for immediate delivery on February 23, 2007 if the entry summary is filed in proper form on March 8, 2007?

    A. Free
    B. 4.2 cents/kilogram
    C. 5.6 cents/kilogram
    D. 0.8 cents/kilogram
    E. 6.6 cents/kilogram
    Incorrect. Correct choice is: D
    Explanation: 19 CFR 142.21

    Post count: 85

    This is a question that was asked in the October 2007 and October 2009 Tests. Tariff rates are subject to change. In 2007, the correct answer was 0.8 cents/kilogram and not free. However, by 2009, the tariff had been amended and so the correct answer was Free.

    October 2007
    31. What is the duty rate for NAFTA-originating fresh cucumbers from Mexico released under a special permit for immediate delivery on February 23, 2007 if the entry summary is filed in proper form on March 8, 2007?

    A. Free
    B. 4.2 cents/kilogram
    C. 5.6 cents/kilogram
    D. 0.8 cents/kilogram
    E. 6.6 cents/kilogram

    31 D 19 CFR 142.21; 142.22; HTS General Note 3(b)

    October 5, 2009
    16. What is the duty rate for NAFTA-originating fresh cucumbers from Mexico released under a special permit for immediate delivery on February 23, 2009 if the entry summary is filed in proper form on March 8, 2009?

    A. 1.5 cents/kilogram
    B. 4.2 cents/kilogram
    C. 5.6 cents/kilogram
    D. 6.6 cents/kilogram
    E. Free

    16 E 19 CFR 142.21; 142.22; HTS 0707.00.4000

    The current tariff reads:
    0707.00 Cucumbers, including gherkins, fresh or chilled:
    0707.00.40 00 If entered during the period from March 1 to April 30, inclusive, in any year (here entry summary is filed on March 8)
    The column special rate of duty reads: Free (A, AU, BH, CA, CL, CO, D, E, IL, JO, KR, MA, MX, OM, P, PA, PE, SG)

    As per General Note 3(c) Products Eligible for Special Tariff Treatment.
    North American Free Trade Agreement:
    Goods of Canada, under the terms of general note 12 to this schedule…………………….CA
    Goods of Mexico, under the terms of general note 12 to this schedule……………………..MX

    Since MX is included in the column for special rate of duty under 0707.00.40 00, the applicable rate of duty is currently Free.

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