The more you prepare, practice and train for the Customs Broker License Exam, the better you are likely to perform in the actual test.
It is necessary to obtain adequate knowledge of the highly tested topics before taking practice exams. This can be achieved by reading the prescribed Customs Broker License Exam Guide, online lessons, and the relevant 19 CFR regulations as well as the various Customs Forms and Directives.
Once you have done that, there is no better preparation for the Customs Broker License Exam than taking actual old exams online under timed conditions, to replicate taking the actual exam.
Reading builds familiarity and creates a foundation for learning. But real expertise does not come from merely reading material on customs compliance. While learning habits vary, for most people, real learning and expertise is achieved by actually working with the material. That is precisely what you do when you practice taking actual old tests.
We provide 120 short quizzes on highly tested topics in customs (import) compliance and 21 full length online timed tests. As you take these quizzes and tests, it is extremely useful to review the correct answers and understand why you may have answered a particular question incorrectly. This reinforcement develops expertise in customs compliance. Taking the tests and quizzes also helps you become familiar with the reference material and you are able to locate relevant material quicker, saving you time at the Customs Broker License Exam.
It is very helpful to analyze your scores across the different tested topics in customs compliance, so you understand your areas of weaknesses and focus on improving your knowledge in those specific topics. That is the key to rapid improvement in your test scores for the customs broker exam. Our software does this automatically in the background for you. As you take more quizzes and tests, the software tracks your scores in different topics, analyzes the data, and plots graphical reports to show your personalized results. This is a key aid to help you identify and focus your study efforts on areas of weaknesses for more rapid improvement in test scores.
As you take more tests and quizzes, you will also begin to recognize the patterns of questions and understand how different topics are tested on the customs broker license exam. While the questions may not be repeated verbatim, you will often see similar types of questions which improves your confidence and accuracy and also enhances your speed in answering questions.
Preparing by taking actual old tests under timed conditions provides insights into your level of preparedness. If you are consistently passing old tests under timed conditions, it is very likely that you are well prepared. This feeling of confidence helps you stay calm and maintain a positive attitude that will help you to focus clearly on answering the exam questions.
An average student may require about 200 hours of study to prepare for the Customs Broker Exam. Most test takers are employed and may only be able to study part time. I would recommend setting up a schedule of studying about 8 hours each week for about 6 months to prepare for this exam. I would also recommend devoting about 60 hours to practice taking old tests. Ideally you should take at least one test each weekend for the last 3 months by which you can complete at least 12 practice tests. The more tests you are able to take, the more proficient you are likely to become, over time.
Practice taking old tests improves accuracy and speed while building confidence which helps create a positive attitude that is so important to obtain optimum performance and maximize your potential on test day. It helps you recognize the question patterns. It improves your ability to locate relevant information quicker from the reference material. Tracking your performance on different topics helps you focus your preparation on weaker topics, which can lead to more rapid performance improvement. Therefore, practicing taking quizzes and old tests is very likely to give you the best chance of passing the Customs Broker License Exam.
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