U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is offering a remote proctored exam delivery option for the April 21, 2021 Customs Broker License Exam (CBLE) to a limited number of examinees. Remote proctoring enables the examinee to take the CBLE in their home, or another private location, if their test environment meets certain requirements. Examinees are advised to verify whether their computer passes a system test prior to registration. Remote proctoring means a proctor will observe the examinee via the computer camera throughout the exam, from sign-in through completion. It appears that this will be done over Zoom or similar software.
It is extremely important to run a system check to make sure that your computer’s hardware and operating system meet the requirements. Further, you need to run the system check at different times and make sure that your internet bandwidth is good enough to support the live streaming requirement throughout your exam.
You will have to download the required software onto your computer the morning of the examination. You will also need to make sure that you have access to a quiet space where you will be alone and undisturbed during the entire duration of the exam. Cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed in the room. You will have access to electronic reference material and you can have your own printed reference material. But you cannot speak with anyone and no one can assist you during the exam.
Before the test starts, the live proctor will first verify that the ID on file matches with the ID brought to the test, and then compare the two with a real-time webcam feed of the test-taker.
If you lose your internet connection during the customs broker license exam, CBP will allow a maximum of 15 minutes of internet disconnection. If you experience multiple disconnections, the time will be added together. This 15 minutes allowed for internet disconnection will not be added to the allotted exam time of 4.5 hours.
If you do get disconnected from the internet during the customs broker license exam, you and the proctor have to work together to reconnect to the internet and access the exam before the allotted internet disconnection time is met. If you are unable to reconnect and access the exam due to connectivity issues, your exam will be terminated.
If you are a technologically savvy person, with access to reliable internet, a quiet private room and you are able to pass the system check as well as download the required software, the remotely proctored customs broker license exam may be a convenient option. If however, you are uncertain about any of these requirements, it may be wise to stick to the traditional exam center approach to avoid unexpected technical issues.
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